Recently we bid a fond farewell to our lovely Charolais bull.
He was fairly renowned for being a gentle, magnificent-looking giant.
Since we’ve embarked on our adventure towards regenerative/sustainable farming his breed simply doesn’t fit with the future of our farm.
We’re looking to keep cattle out all year, rather than housing them over winter. This means we don’t have to feed/bed them every day, they’re self-sufficient on grass (which is more plentiful thanks to mob and rotational grazing and no fertiliser-yes, really!!). It also means we no longer need to muck out sheds and then spend days spreading muck back onto the fields as the cattle will have already done that.
Furthermore it means our cattle need to be super hardy to cope with our weather up in the hills. Continental breeds simply can’t cut it.
So, we now have an Aberdeen Angus bull who is currently being ‘introduced’ 😉 to our ladies so we can start the transition to an Angus herd ☺️
We’ll keep you posted on our progress…!
#sustainablefarming #nativebreeds #theoldwaysarethebest #itallcomesfullcircle #traditionalfarming #breconbeacons #backbritishfarming